I make art as a form of meditation, where I subconsciously interact with the deepest parts of myself in ways that require no words. The paintings are a manifestation of the intersection of my inner landscape with the uncertainty of life. Life that is scary, unpredictable, unbearable at times, but also filled with beauty, tenderness, love and profound moments of awe. Those feelings are what I paint.
I became enamored with encaustic and the ethereal nature of the wax, with its mysterious depth and glow while living in Central Mexico in 2007. In the Fall of that same year, I returned to the U.S. and began exploring that alchemical medium with fervor. I quickly came to understand and respect that the heat and wax are not inert art supplies and tools to be bent to my will and whims. Rather they are collaborative elements which contribute their own essence and often lead me down intriguing paths of creation I could not have foreseen. This requires a modicum of abandon and a willingness to take chances to which I readily acquiesce in order to be ever more intimate with the process. A process that transforms wax into a vibrant, glowing piece of life.
What inherently inspires my work is the immensity of our universally experienced emotions, our yearnings and some recalcitrant little ember of my own that refuses to be extinguished. I love creating abstract art because it allows me to communicate without words, from the depths of my own passions, fears and hope directly to the viewer’s heart. A connection of spirit that is both deeply personal and yet—somehow—universal. View Portfolio